Minimal pairs are two similar sounding words that differ in only one phonological element. They are a great way to help you become more aware of pronunciation. In this lesson, we’ll discuss examples of some common minimal pairs which can cause problems for students who learn Thai as an international language. Try saying the words out aloud, do you notice how similar they sound?
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1. Initial Consonant
เผ็ด pèt spicy
เป็ด bpèt duck
กว้าง gwâang wide
ขว้าง kwâang throw
2. Final Consonant
เล่น lên play
เล่ม lêm a classifier for books
โดน dohn hit; clashing with
โดม dohm dome
3. Tones
ไข่ kài egg
ไข้ kâi fever
ใด dai any
ได้ dâai can
4. Mixed
ขี่ม้า kèe máa ride a horse
ขี้หมา kêe măa dogs mess
น้ำจิ้ม náam jîm sauce
น้ำจิ๋ม náam jĭm xxxx liquid
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Thai Reading & Listening Comprehension : Video Course + Free eBook
In this video course, I break down every single line and explain all the little details for you! Improve your reading comprehension while building up your vocabulary.
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