Want to give your brain practice at recognizing and using the word “สนับสนุน (sà-nàp-sà-nŭn)” which means “support” in Thai? This lesson focuses on make sentence skill by ordering the words to form a correct sentence and listening to sentences enunciated by a native speaker. Let’s sharpen the making sentence skill with me!
❤️ Enroll in the course "Make Thai Sentences" here! ▸ http://bit.ly/makethaisentences
- P H R A S E S -
kon tai chôp sà-nàp-sà-nŭn sĭn káa tai
Thais love supporting Thai products.
ลูกค้าสนับสนุนร้านนี้ เพราะโปรโมชั่นน่าสนใจ
lôok káa sà-nàp-sà-nŭn ráan née prór bproh-moh-chân nâa sŏn jai
Customers supports this shop because the promotion is interesting.
เขาไม่มีคนสนับสนุนเลย เพราะเขานิสัยและจิตใจไม่ดี
kăo mâi mee kon sà-nàp-sà-nŭn loiie prór kăo ní-săi láe jìt jai mâi dee
No one supports her at all because her personality and heart are unkind.
รายการของเขาสนุกมาก ก็เลยมีผู้สนับสนุนรายการเยอะ
raai gaan kŏng kăo sà-nùk mâak gôr loiie mee pôo sà-nàp-sà-nŭn raai gaan yúh
His programs are very enjoyable so he has many sponsorships.
nai à-naa-kót chông yoo tôop kŏng chăn nâa jà mee pôo dtìt dtaam láe pôo sà-nàp-sà-nŭn pêrm kêun
In the future, my YouTube channel probably has more subscribers and supporters.
พวกเราเหล่าสโนบอลจะสนับสนุน วิน เมธวิน ตลอดไป
pûuak rao lào sà-nŏh bon jà sà-nàp-sà-nŭn win mêt win dtà-lòt bpai
We are Snowball and will support Win Metawin forever!
She has many supporters because her heart is kind(good).
We like to support Thai TV programs.
(Form your own sentence!)
I wholeheartedly recommend this video course.
Make Thai Sentences 1.0 Challenge
Learn to build your Thai sentences longer through essential Thai vocabulary and simple grammar patterns. You get daily prompts explaining how to structure sentences and practice accurate pronunciation and intonation as well.
❤️ Enroll in the course here! ▸ http://bit.ly/makethaisentences